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Authentication using JWT, Passport and Guard in Nest.js
When users log in, they receive a token that grants access to protected routes, ensuring a secure method to access resources while also reducing the need for repeated validations from
It’s not just green onions. The prices of agricultural products during March increased by more than 20% from the same month last year. The prices of apples increased by nearly 90%, marking
Hackers stole 340,000 SSN
Hackers stole 340,000 Social Security numbers from government consulting firm. U.S. consulting firm Greylock McKinnon Associates (GMA) disclosed a data breach in which hackers stole as
Nest.js Validation Pipe
Using declarative validation decorators, the ValidatePipe plays a crucial role in ensuring that all incoming request payloads adhere to predefined validation rules. This approach enhances
Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024
The solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, was a total solar eclipse visible within a band covering parts of North America, stretching from Mexico to Canada and covering the contiguous United
It is an Express.js middleware funciton that simplifies error handling of asynchronous operations such as database queries or API calls. For example, it wraps the async route handler,